Facebook Messenger has again amused it’s user with a new feature that helps to send and receive money anytime anywhere. This works on the principle of (P2P) Person to Person. As today’s world is surrounded by technology and E-Commerce is gaining the popularity day by day. People want their life should also be matching with the cutting edge technology. So, they don’t want to carry hard cash with them as a result they carry Master Card, Visa Debit card etc but to make it more easy and convenient several companies like Apple, Samsung and Google offers payment service.
Now Facebook Messenger has also started giving payment service to its users as Messenger has over 800 million users worldwide.
Well, Messenger has impressed quite a lot this time. The Payment require debit card and is free of cost. It even offers PIN-based protection which is very useful as security measure. So let gets started:
[quote bcolor=”skyblue” arrow=”yes”] Note: To make this work seamlessly, both sender and receiver need to have debit card synced to Messenger. Otherwise it won’t work.[/quote]

First step: Add your debit card number in your Messenger. For IOS user, tap on Settings then go to Payment. Tap Add New Debit Card and complete the further process. For Android user, tap the Profile icon then scroll down and tap on Payments and complete the further process.

Second step: Now, you just have to open a chat with the person from whom you want to request money or you want to send money. Click on the more option available in the toolbar, it’s the one with three dots in a box.

Third step: Tap Payments then click Next to clear the info screen. By default, you’ll be in the Pay screen: Enter an amount you want to pay that person and a note indicating what the payment is for will be shown on the screen. Then tap Pay and the amount will be sent to that person.

Fourth step: Instead of Paying money, if you want to request money. It’s also possible. All you need to do is just tap Request at the top of the screen: Enter the amount and reason then tap the Request Button to complete the process.
Performing any of these action, the transaction will appear as attach item right inline with your existing chat. From there the receiver can either accept or deny just by tapping.
So, this way you can send and receive money immediately. It is easy, fast and safe way to transfer money.
[quote bcolor=”red” arrow=”yes”] Also Read:
- Facebook Messenger Cool New Features
- How to Play Facebook Messenger Hidden Basketball Game
- WhatsApp for Web: Now send and receive messages from your computer [/quote]