If you are new to android and not sure which apps to download and install from the thousands of app in the Google play store, install these “10 must have apps for android beginners, newbies or noobs” right away. Click on the app title to download.
This app allows free calls and text to other viber users over the internet. Its voice call feature is faster and more lightweight than skype. Once you have setup your viber settings, you are good to go. No more login to call your friends.
PlayerPro music player
This is a smooth music player app with features such as importing music history from desktop media players, read album and artist reviews, automatic download of missing artwork, artist pictures, genre illustrations, DSP equalizers, surround sound support for some HTC smartphones, 20+ skin, different size widgets, swipe and shake feature for app interaction and many more. While my previous music app, Apollo player was notoriously force closing every now and then on the new 4.1.2 Jellybean OS, I haven’t had any force close issue with player pro. PowerAmp is another app that has similar functions at a slightly higher price.
MX video Player
This is a free video player app which supports videos and subtitles of all format. Other features include hardware acceleration, multi-core decoding, pinch to zoom, subtitle scroll, kids lock and full Android 4.2 support.
This app keeps the Facebook junkies out of their house and in touch with their Facebook updates via their smart phone. View your timelines, add friends, update statuses, upload photos and check in to places. All the functionality of facebook.com is now placed in your hands.
Be a part of the 100 million user strong Instagram universe and share your pictures. The features of the app is very simple-you take a picture, add cool effects to it and then upload it in Instagram so that your friends can see it. You can also use #tags to categorize your picture so that everyone in Instagram can see it. You can also share your instagram pics on Facebook, Twitter. Tumblr, Flickr, and Foursquare.
Pixlr Express
This app is packed with more than 600 effects, overlays, and borders to personalize any image. All that for free. However, the app is cluttered with many useless crappy filters and keeping only the best ones will improve the quality of the app. Still it is great because it’s free. • Titanium Backup: Backs up all your apps and data. Specially, important for users who regularly update their ROMs. You can also try out the latest free image filtering apps like Cymera or Snapseed from Google Play Store.
Swiftkey keyboard

If you don’t like the stock keyboard that comes with your android os, try this app. However, users of Android Jellybean, who don’t care much about themes or better word predictions, will probably stick to the stock keyboard since it is smooth and has features similar to Swiftkey. Swiftkey now offers flow or swipe feature and its word predicting algorithm has gotten a lot better. Free version with limited features is also available at the Google store.
This is the best word processor app that allows you to read, create, edit and save Microsoft PowerPoint and document files. You can also view pdf files with this app. Officesuite can also syncwith Dropbox and other similar cloud based app.
Any.do is a great app which has a very simple interface and serves only one main purpose i.e. planning and organizing your activities and reminding you to stick to it. Hopefully, this app will reduce your plagiarism habits. And the great thing is this app is free at Google play store. Check out the Any.do detail review.
Google Keep
If you want to take a quick note or make a quick checklist of items, Google Keep is a very fast and lightweight note keeping app with a very clean interface. Notes can be assigned different background colors, attach pictures, audio and share with other apps. The app also has a cool home-screen widget which will give easy access to all your notes .
Avast Mobile Security and Antivirus
With all the worms, malwares and what not attacking your android operating system its safe to install one of the free antiviruses for Android. Avast Mobile security app is more than enough to keep your data safe from viruses, malwares and spywares. It also has “find my phone” feature which will help you locate your lost or stolen android devices. You can even see where your phone is on the map and remotely wipe memory in case you have sensitive data. In case your sim card is changed, you will notified via sms.