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Almost all the major smarpthone manufacturers are about to update their latest Smartphones with Android 4.4 Kitkat OS. But the users of older devices such as those from 2011 and back are not likely to get the official 4.4 update. Many older smartphones are even stuck with the older 4.1 Jellybeans. Actually many android devices even with features comparable to that of the first Galaxy Smartphone are more than capable of handling the latest Android OS. Still, manufacturers and mobile carriers do not release the latest OS updates for the older devices.

However, one community of custom ROMs developer, Cyanogenmod (CM), has not forgotten people with older smartphones. They bring out the latest OS builds for many older smartphone and tablet models. Now thanks to the LegacyXperia project many Xperia smartphones from 2011 are receiving the CM 11 or the unofficially Android 4.4 update. The Sony smartphones receiving the update are Xperia Arc, Arc S, Active, Mini, Mini Pro, Neo, Neo V, Xperia Pro, Xperia Ray and Live.

Here is the list of Xperia devices and also links to XDA site for installing Cm-10.1(Android 4.2.X), CM-10.2(Android 4.3) and CM11(Android 4.4)

Source: LegacyXperia




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