The error code 495 occurred while attempting to download or update apps or games in the Google Play Store over WiFi. It can say “App could not be downloaded due to an error  (495)”. When downloading the same apps with mobile data, it seems to work fine in my case. Don’t worry, the fix for the error 495 is quite simple and many users have successfully applied the solutions mentioned in this post.

What is Error Code 495?

Error Code 495 is a numeric identification of error which generally occurs in android smart devices while trying to download/update and install a mobile application from the Google Play Store.

Methods To Fix the error code 495

Method 1: Clear Google Play Store and Google Service Framework Data

  • Go to Settings >> Application Manager or Apps>> Open “All” apps
  • From the list of apps find Google Play store >> Clear Data and Clear Cache
  • From the list of apps find Google Play Service>> Clear Data and Clear Cache
  • Now install or update the app from Google Play Store
  • If it still didn’t work try uninstalling Google Play Store updates first.

You should be able to fix the error by now. But, if you are not able to fix the Google Play Store error 495 then move to the second method which is mentioned below.

Method 2: Add and Remove Your Gmail Account

  • Go to system settings >> Accounts >> Google >> remove your Gmail account.
  • Now from settings >> Apps >> All > Force stop, Clear data and cache for Google Play Store, Google Play Services and Download Manager (like in method 1).
  • Now again go to settings >> Accounts >> Google >> Add your Gmail account.
  • Restart your android and then accept all the Google terms and setup Google settings.
  • Rerun the Google Play Store and update or install your app.

Hopefully, this method should solve your error issue. Most of the users are able to fix this problem using the mentioned method correctly.

Method 3: Installing a VPN app

To install the VPN app in your device, you can sideload it, or use different app stores. Here’s How to Install 3rd Party (Outside Google Play Store) Apps on Android.

Some Others Alternatives:

Alternative One:

  • Go to Settings >> Data usage >> choose Network Restrictions (Get it from the menu) >> Turn it off for your Wi-Fi.

Alternative Two:

  • Go to Settings >> Apps >> three-dot menu >> Reset app preferences. (You will also need to re-add the Google account)

These fixes method should solve the problem for the error code 495 in the Google Play Store. Also, share your thoughts on the comment below that how you solve this error 495 with your smartphone name and model so that it can be helpful to others.

Recently this error 495 on play store occurred widely on PUBG games app on many smartphones too and it can be easily fixed by above-mentioned methods.

Also, read:


    • Go to a browser and search “hide man vpn.apk. Download the app. Click on it in your notification screen or use your file management app to find it in your download folder….. Install it after checking the” unknown sources” box under Settings>Security>Unknown Sources

  1. error 496 solved!!
    Just reboot your cablemódem works to me!!!

    Reinicia tu cablemódem así de fácil funciono para mi después de probar todo por dos horas!!!

  2. In s3 I m not even able to update google search due to 495 error tryed vpn clear cashe removing google account and once again adding what should be done

  3. Tried a lot, even restored my mobile to it’s factory default all to no avail. I simply removed my google account, and added it back. Then cleared the cache of most of my apps( instagram and a few others) then it worked… Sony xperia z

  4. I was struggling with this for a good hour – cleared the cache for Google play, download manager, framework – no joy. I then noticed a lot of the issues are due to locations (hence the VPN fix) so I went to the ‘google settings app’ and access location was unticked. Checked it and now everything downloads fine.

  5. Tenía el mismo problema lo solucioné, activando el WiFi, Google hace la actualización utilizando no la red de datos sino el WiFi. Y me funciono para las actualizaciones e instalaciones nuevas.

  6. He had the same problem I solved it, activating the WiFi, Google makes the upgrade not using the net of data but the WiFi. And I work me for the upgrades and new facilities.

  7. just go to the applications, then settings and restore all applications to factory settings, that only solved my problem of error 495 while downloading

  8. I faced the same 495 error issue. I tried clearing cache, forced stop, even removed accounts.
    But, finally when I turned off my wifi and switched to mobile data. It started working. Strange!

  9. I tried method 1, and it crashes my play store! It won’t start and says ‘no connection’ everytime I open! I followed the steps precisely! Pls help!

  10. i had a firewall installed, and initially i block everything until this error pops out, tried above methods, works once and error return again. later i tried switch off firewall and it started working…

  11. Oi pessoal bom dia meu nome é Daiane e tb tive esse problema, consegui resolver verificando as opções: configurações > redes > uso de dados > restringir dados em 2º plano. Para conseguir baixar algo no Google Play essa opção deve estar DESABILITADA para todos os
    APP’s do celular. Após baixar o que tem interesse MARQUE esta opção p/ economizar bateria e assim você vai conseguiu usar a internet normalmente para navegar mais não vai conseguir baixar APP’s….abraço.

    Google Translate from Portuguese to English from above
    Hi, good day my name is Daiane and tb had this problem, I could solve checking options: settings> networks> data usage> restrict data in 2nd level. To get download something on Google Play this option should be disabled for all
    APP’s cell. After downloading the interest that has this option MARK w / battery save and so you will able to use the internet to browse more typically will be unable to download APP’s …. hug.

  12. i fix this problem by installing the internet configuration sms i ‘ve received from my network provider (vodafone eg)

  13. Your 3rd Methods worked with my android one. I was facing this problem since i got this phone in my hand. Now VPN actually solved the problem. Thanks for posting tricks.

  14. i have Dell Venue 7 tablet. i am facing 495 error while trying to download/update any app from Play store, tried all the options discussed above but nothing worked…please help me i have just purchased the tablet

  15. Dont do that what that fucking idiot written! I did it and now the google play doesnt work anymore, no connection error, i need factory reset, fucking idiot

  16. Would just like people to know that i found anti virus progs like AVG ect caused my issue with mine not working if you try the above and still have the issue it may be the anti virus blocking your playstore D/L just uninstall it or you could try fiddling with your anti virus settings

  17. I done the method 1 to let me download fallout shelter and google play now says check your network connection but my network connection is working

  18. SOLVED
    I tried all the tricks and suggestions in all pages online but nothing worked to fix the downloading errors. However I simply open the ‘Google Play’ app again and tapped on ‘Uninstall Updates’ It warned me that it would be returned to the original google play that came with my device/phone. I tapped OK and the updates uninstalled.
    I launch Google Play again and it has gone back to the old original but no more errors. Everything downloaded smoothly. i have not bothered to update it since as I can’t notice much difference.

  19. Ugh i hate you, i have 3 uninstalled purchased game (if i want to redownload it again i dont have to pay anymore).

    After i followed your instructions (method 1) that DIDN’T WORK i was OK and wanted to try the method 2 and 3. BUT i checked my purchased game from “My apps/games -> all”. And guess what? IT SAYS ” IDR54990 (about 4$) ” instead of ” Purchased “!!!!!

    I know its not THAT expensive but as a teenager i bought all my purchased app when it was on sale ( 75% off, 40% off, etc). But now… LOOK.. i have to buy AAAAALLLLLL my purchased app for a FULL PRICE and not to mention i already bought a DLC on one of my apps. I’m still a teenager and i dont have a credit card (well i do, but im not allowed to use it for this kind of thing), so if i want to buy something from google play store i have to use my balance!

    Im sure you can see im sad and angry at the same time, THEN because of what happened to me i decided not to follow your method.

    I hope you see this and understand my suffering YOU BETTER HELP ME if not, i hope your guilt will haunt you. And if you don’t feel bad, i hope you’ll get the same problem as me, someday.


    ~I hope you see this, and i hate you. ( i wont hate you anymore if you help me, but now you’re on my bad guy list )

  20. I fixed this by uninstalling Google Play update. Tried everything else first and was about to go back to factory recovering. Not only was I unable to download software and updates but I could not watch tv news and apps built on radio and tv on my mobile. I uninstalled many apps in search for solution without any luck. Following many advises I saw on the internet did not help at all in my case. Finally, uninstalling Google Play did the trick and now everything is normal. Do Google pay me for my time trying to fix this which was caused by there own app? They sure can afford it with all the taxmoney the have managed to save. Dream on…But thanks to this side and many others who help people just for the fun of it.

  21. I also do the step given above but still in my play store update and install of app displayed pending.. and not work.. please give me some powerful solution…

  22. Thanks for suggestion 3, the installing a VPN. I tried all of the other methods which failed however this worked, so thank you!

    • But that is just a band-aid. That is the only thing that works from me too. The VPN works but as soon as I disable it the downloads are broke. It is only on my network as well. If I jump to my neighbors wifi it works. It’s almost like my IP address is being blocked by Google??? Why else would VPN work???


  24. The vpn method worked but now i can’t download apps unless i open the vpn which is frustrating
    Is there any solution to this?

  25. In my case, the date was set to manual and the date was wrong. Making it automatic (and hence getting to correct date) solved the issue.

  26. Error 495 : I’m an android 6 Marshmallow and I’ve tried all listed solutions but non of them worked and the downloads still do not complete 100% and stuck. I have googled this error and read all threads but non worked.

    I went to settings>Apps>the three dot menu>Reset app preferences and did a reset and it worked like magic. But I had to re-add the google account. I hope this would help people with similar issue.

  27. I have purchased a new moto E4 I m facing same problems I can’t downloaded apps from play store using mobile 4G data. I have tried all the methods but didn’t work for me please help

    • Me neither. Do you have a Nougat phone? I think there’s a bug in this latest version of the Android OS (or a secret, magical setting that only Google knows of, hidden deep withing the bowels of the phone).

  28. Hi, none of these solutions worked! I had tried to clear data/cache for play store, done all the other steps, no use. Only Ahmed’s solution worked! Thank you, Ahmed!

    • which method worked? Please do tell. This has been driving me bonkers for days (40 years IT experience and I’m completely stumped!)

  29. Ahmed, your fix worked for me. Thank a million times. Chatted with Samsung and Google to no resolve. Been trying for over a week to figure it out.

  30. Never did get this to work. Android Nougat clearly has a bug as NONE of these methods actually work to prevent it. It’s NOT my WiFi (my GF’s Android downloads apps just fine!). Also, how on Earth can you install the VPN app if you can’t install ANY app?!?!
    Reset phone to factory defaults (LG Harmony), no joy.
    Created entirely new gmail account, no joy.
    Method 1 does not work (as others have posted here).
    Method 2 does not work
    Method 3 requires downloading to work in the first place (so this can’t work!)
    I would love to hear ANYONE with Nougat actually get downloading to work consistently!

  31. Thanks A Lot. This made me crazy, i reset my phone multiple times, but it won’t benefit at all. Browsed at tons of sites no progress. At last used 3rd Step you mentioned…..Again Thanks A Lot

  32. I had this problem on my old phone and then on my new phone (LG Phoenix 4 Android).

    Fixed it in Settings:

    -(turn access on)

    Also, if you’re trying to download using cell data:

    -(choose “over wifi or cellular”)

  33. I had this problem since the day I got my Samsung. I tried the fixes above and some of the other solution I found online, restarted my device, switched to mobile data, and voila! It worked!

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