Google has recently released the Android platform distribution data for this November, and KitKat is now on 33.9% of Android devices, which is slightly higher than the share in previous month. This means one in every three Android devices operate in the 4.4x KitKat version of Android, in the month of November.

KitKat is now on 33.9% of Android devicesIt can be noticed that with the increase in the percentage of devices running KitKat, all other versions are on the decreasing phase. Froyo now operates on 0.5% of devices,which is the least. The Ice Cream Sandwich version, though newer than Gingerbread, operates on fewer devices (7.8%) than Gingerbread(9.1%). When all the version of JellyBean are combinedly considered, they are on the top of the list, with a total of 48.7%. Among them, the 4.1x runs in the highest number of devices (21.3%), followed by 4.2x (20.4), and 4.3 JellyBean runs on only 7% of total Android devices.

Though running on very few devices, we can see the Froyo version still alive. It is expected to vanish in next few months, while the Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich will still take some time (probably some years) to get abolished. Lollipop has still not made it to the list, since the version running on less than 0.1% of the devices are not shown, and there are very few devices till now (and many of them are still only announced, not launched yet) which operate on this latest version. But we expect it to make some space next month, as more devices will get the update, and followed by the release of newer devices running on the Lollipop. The KitKat version is expected to rise further in the upcoming months, as more devices will get the update till then.

The data is collected on the basis of the number of devices who entered in the Google Play Store in the past weeks, upto the date of December 1st.

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