You encounter disappearing emails on your Android phone after opening them through a process of automatic deletion. You’re not alone! The problem of disappearing emails when viewing them becomes a common issue which sends smartphone users into states of confusion regarding the state of their devices much like haunted technology.
But fear not! It is important to note that no supernatural forces create this issue. The main reason behind this problem originates from your email client system settings where Microsoft Outlook serves as an example. A straightforward solution exists to prevent email disappearance after viewing emails on an Android smartphone.
Why Do Emails Disappear After Viewing Them?
An email download occurs automatically when you view it on your smartphone from the server. The automatic server removal feature of your computer email client triggers the disappearance of emails after the download process completes. The device setting removes accessed emails from your phone when they appear on your computer screen so that they appear to the user that they were removed.
Step-by-Step Guide to Prevent Emails From Automatically Getting Deleted
1. Open Your Email Client
The majority of Windows computer systems use either Microsoft Outlook or another email client for their operations. Open it up.
2. Go to the File Menu
You will find the file menu at the top-left corner of your screen interface in Outlook.
3. Click on Account Settings
Select Account Settings from the dropdown. The selection will show a list of all your corresponding email addresses. Find the particular email account which your Android phone uses from your list of multiple accounts.
4. Select the Email Account
Click twice on the email account that serves as your Android phone (or iPhone) connection.
5. Go to More Settings
You must click the More Settings button inside the account settings window.
6. Select Advanced Settings
You should select the Advanced tab from the new display.
7. Check ‘Leave a Copy of Messages on Server’
You should now enable the option that states ‘Leave a copy of messages on server’. Entire email messages will remain on the server by enabling this advanced server setting. Users have the option to establish the duration time for message retention on the server during this setup.
8. Click OK
Complete the save process by pressing the OK button.
That’s it! The issue of mail disappears after smartphone viewing is finally resolved. Keep your emails safe on multiple devices because saving messages on the server will prevent accidental disappearance.These steps will prevent email disappearance or deletion on your Android phone. You can post any additional questions along with technical problems by writing a comment below immediately triggering my assistance.
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Excellent explanation and it worked.
All the check boxes you recommended I check, are checked, and so far, my Samsung S6 still deletes my e-mails.
I’ve had to resort to deleting e-mails on my phone as soon as I see them. Then I can retrieve them from the Trash folder.
Never seen such nonsense.
If i have no mail cliënt at all active
Mail disappears as wel.
Nothing to do with cliënt.
Mail should work as the settings suggestie NEVER delete mail on server.
Absolutely doesn’t work…….. for HTC One M8 at least.
HTCM8 go to mail tap 3 dots top right. Tap settings, tap Sync Send & Receive. Tap Download options. Tick by number of emails and then tick how many emails u want to stay on phone.
Bless you!
Man, dont be stupid, this has nothing to do with email client at all !!!! Just look for all your phones or mobiles devices where you have your account set up and you will find where the problem is, trust me…
Eduardo, I have been 3 hours on the phone with sell provider (regarding my device) and my email provider. None can help. My emails delete in about 8 hours after reading. What do YOU think is the issue?
THANK YOU for this. I have been struggling for THREE days trying to get this to work and you are the ONLY person who helped get my email working.
This is a “fix” that creates other problems. I don’t want to store all my emails on the server! I will run out of space. Duh. So, the correct fix is to keep all emails on both the phone and the PC client until they are deleted from one or the other.