When you have the power of Android’s customization on your hand, changing the wallpaper is barely scratching the surface. Some use wallpaper from their favorite tv show or movie, while some may use their own personal photo as their wallpaper. Basically, you can either use a static wallpaper or a live wallpaper. But what if I tell you there is a whole different category of wallpaper out there. What if I tell you that you can use your favorite GIF as your Android’s wallpaper? Well, you can. Here’s how to use GIF as wallpaper on Android.

Use GIF as wallpaper on Android

First and foremost, you need to find yourself a gif you love. You may already have one on your device, but even if you do not, you can Google for one or use a GIF app or site like GIPHY. After you have a good GIF, you will need to download an app called GIF Live Wallpaper. It is available for free on the Google Play Store. Use GIF as wallpaper on Android Download the app and open it. You will be greeted with Terms and Conditions. Read it or skip it. It is all up to you. You also need to grant permissions for the app to run properly. Now that you have granted the permissions, you can at add a GIF by tapping on the Download button located at the top left corner. You will see the uploaded GIF on the screen and will be surrounded by a black border. Do not set this as your wallpaper yet. If you do, you will only see a black screen as your wallpaper. You will need to make the GIF bigger. You can pinch to zoom the GIF. If your GIF is of bad quality, the wallpaper is going to look bad. So make sure the GIF you have downloaded is of good quality.  Use the controls provided by the app to move the GIF around or turn it. you can also add matching colors to the border if your gif is small but you still want it as your wallpaper. You can play around with the tools to adjust the GIF to your liking. Use GIF as wallpaper on Android After you have adjusted everything, you can tap on the check mark at the button to confirm the edits. Now, tap on Set as Wallpaper button and be ready to be greeted by the GIF once you get into your home screen. Also Read:


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