There is no doubt Instagram being one of the popular photos and video-sharing social networking service is always error free. Different problems can be arisen into Instagram due to various circumstances or reasons. The problem may be with your device or it can be some technical fault in the Instagram service as well. Whatever may be the problem, there is definitely a solution to your Instagram “Sorry, There Was A Problem With Your Request”

This article is about fixing the Instagram error “Sorry, There Was A Problem With Your Request”. Probably many of us have been facing this error while try to login into Instagram or using Instagram. I can understand how you feel in such a situation. Let me share my experience with you.
Before I had never experienced an error while using Instagram. A few days ago I was hovering around Instagram and suddenly I have logged out of the Instagram automatically. I tried to re-login my Instagram account then a popup message was displayed in the screen saying “sorry there was a problem with your request”. Again I tried for a couple of times, every time I tried the same error occurred frequently. I was confused about whether it is a problem with my network connection or problem with the Instagram server. Later, I found out that many other users have also faced the same situation.
Why Does Instagram “Sorry, There Was A Problem With Your Request” Error occurs?
There are several reasons due to which such problem occurs and doesn’t let you access your Instagram account. Violation of Instagram guidelines and policies also introduces such error. The second reason due to which you are going to experience such issues is a problem with Instagram servers. Also, weak internet connection can create such an issue.
How to Fix ‘Sorry There Was A Problem With Your Request” Instagram Error?
After visiting several websites, forums and discussions I gathered information regarding the error and found out some of the best ways to get rid of this problem. You just need to follow these methods to fix this problem. Let’s have a look at a solution.
Method 1: Login Via Facebook Account.
Try accessing your Instagram account using Facebook. Using Facebook is one of the easiest ways to get rid of this error. For this, you need to connect your Facebook account with Instagram. Just follow these steps as mentioned.
- Open in Chrome or any other web browser.
- Log In to your Instagram using the browser.
- Go To Instagram Account Setting and unlink the Facebook account if you have any.
- Clear the data of the application on your phone.
- Login with Facebook on Instagram.
Now you can access your Instagram account. You can login into your account and you’ll no longer receive ‘sorry there was a problem with your request’ error.
Method 2: Temporarily Disable Instagram Account.
Disabling your account for some time is also one of the ways to access your Instagram account. To disable your Instagram Account follow these steps.
- Log in to your Instagram account from your computer or laptop.
- Go To your profile and Edit your profile.
- Click on Temporary disable my account.
- Give an appropriate reason for disabling your account. (the account can only be disabled once a week).
- Wait for 6 hours. Do not log in to the Instagram account during this time period.
- Log in to your Instagram account once the time is completed.
You can even check Instagram – An Unknown Network Error Has Occurred, to know more about the issue related to Instagram. Who knows, this might help you out.
Method 3: Trying accessing Instagram from a different device.
Sometimes accessing your Instagram via another device can also sort out the problem. If you are able to log in your Instagram from another device then there may be certain faults in your device.
Method 4: Uninstall and Reinstall Application.
If any of the above troubleshooting steps did not work then try reinstalling the application from your device. For this, you have to first uninstall the version of Instagram installed on your smartphone.
Follow these step to uninstall Instagram from your smartphone.
- Go to setting >> installed application
- Find Instagram
- Tap to uninstall.
Follow these step to reinstall Instagram from your smartphone.
- Go to Google Play Store >> Search Instagram.
- Tap on Install.
Method 5: Contact Instagram Help Center.
If any of the above mentioned methods don’t work for you then try contacting Instagram Help Center. Search for Log In Help option. You will be provided with options to access your account. Choose Use Username or Email. Then enter the registered email and choose to Send Email. Now you will receive mail from Instagram so check your mail account. Once you receive the mail choose big Blue Button. Then you will be asked to open the link with Instagram or chrome. Now select the Instagram and flag Always use this option. Now you will be able to access your Instagram account.
This is how you will be able to access to your instagram account. Hope this method will definitely help to solve the instagram error “Sorry, There Was A Problem With Your Request”. Also leave you valuable comment, experience and question below.
i tried every single option apart from Restoring device and none of them worked.
they all didn’t work