Home How-To Android Tips How to get Android notification on Windows 10 with Cortona for Android

How to get Android notification on Windows 10 with Cortona for Android

One of the important features that make Android stand out is its notification system. This lets the user know whats happening without having to open an app. The same thing applies for Windows 10. You get notified of various updates, problems or anything else. Now, imagine this scenario: you’re working on your computer and you’ve left your phone charging on a table that is not in your arm’s length. You get a notification on your phone but you’re too busy to get up and check it out. What would you do in this situation? Ignore the notification or check it out? Wouldnt it be better if you can see the notification on the PC you’re working on? Here’s how to get Android notification on Windows 10.

How to get Android notification on Windows 10

There is no direct way to sync notifications from your Android with your Windows PC. But there is a workaround. This includes Windows 10’s personal assistant – Cortona. Follow the guide below.

First and foremost, you will need to download Cortona for Android from the Google Play Store. After its installed, Cortona will ask your Microsoft account credentials. Connect to your Microsoft account that you’ve used to connect your PC. After that’s been taken care of, you can see the main screen of Cortona. You can even give it a go as your personal digital assistant.Android notification on Windows 10

Now, tap on the account icon located on the top-right side to see the list of menu. From the list, tap on Settings. There, select Sync Notifications. This is how Microsoft allows your phone’s notifications to be viewed on your Windows PC.

Cortona will ask you permissions to access missed calls, contacts and SMS among others. Allow all and you’ll get into Sync Notifications screen. In this screen, you’ll see a bunch of options that you can select to receive different kinds of notifications on your PC. Enable the options you need. If you want to get notifications form 3rd party apps like Messanger or Whatsapp, you’ll need to enable App Notifications. You can also decide which apps’ notifications need to be synced.

That that’s it. you can now have Android notification on your Windows PC as long as both the devices are connected to the internet. This can boost your productivity and minimize the time you waste getting up and using your phone.

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