Home App Updates Facebook trials more discreet notifications, rather than tagging friends

Facebook trials more discreet notifications, rather than tagging friends

Facebook logoI think Facebook is going to be really cool as it is testing new features time and again to make the Facebook more interactive and user-friendly. Facebook tries to eradicate those unnecessary, less useful features instead they try to put new interesting, useful feature that will definitely make the users spend their time in a good mood. Recently, Facebook trials new feature called “discreet notifications”.

Well, Discreet notifications will be one of the interesting features in the Facebook. You may be wondering, What is this discreet notification? So, without wasting your time let me tell you, this is the new feature/option that will help you to notify the friends about the post that you want them to notice. Most of we find it annoying to tag the friends in the comment section or in the post to let them know about the stuff that we have posted. It even gets irritating when there are lots of comment and we have to search for the right comment where we have been tagged and the worst part about it is, it just get messed up when we try to have the conversation about the post in the comment section where there are lots of other people comment.

Discreet notifications

Keeping this in mind Facebook tries to make it easier for the people to have a good conversation about the post instead of having to read through dozens of tag where people are telling their friends to look.  You can find the option “Notify a few friends about this post” which includes a small icon of a megaphone right below the Like, Comment and Share section and on the right hand side of the option you can find a button/option “Get Started”.

Facebook confirmed the trial, but didn’t say when it is going to be launched or even if it would be launching publicly. As we know, Facebook trails many new features. Some of them are launched and some of them never get rolled to Facebook but this feature has been promised. So, let’s hope this discreet notifications feature will come out soon and we get chance to use this feature. But while testing this features if tagging friends remains the easier, then this feature may be ignored.

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