Home How-To Android Tips Useful Android Nougat App Shortcuts

Useful Android Nougat App Shortcuts

You have probably heard about Apple’s 3D touch. Google released their own version of 3D touch but made it better. App Shortcuts are available on Android 7.1 which are currently available on the new Google Pixel phones and supported Nexus devices through the Android Beta program. App Shortcuts are only available for Google Apps and will soon be supported by 3rd party apps.

Here is a list of some Android Nougat App Shortcuts.


If you long press the Camera icon on your home screen or in the app drawer, you will see 2 options: Take a video and Take a selfie.

Selecting the Take a selfie option will launch the Camera in the front camera view. Launching the camera by default will always open with the primary rare camera active but with this shortcut you can save a few taps and directly select the front camera. Selecting Take a video option will open the Camera app in video mode.nougat-camera - Android Nougat App Shortcuts


Long pressing the Chrome icon will also give you 2 options: New incognito tab and New tab. Both of these options are quite useful if you need to Google something quick.

Normally, if you open Chrome, you will be automatically taken to the last opened tab that you were previously browsing. Then you will need to open a new tab and do your thing. This app shortcut will save you the hassle.nougat-chrome - Android Nougat App Shortcuts

Phone or Contacts

Phone app and Contact app has the same app shortcut: New contact. Long pressing either one will give you the option to create a new contact.nougat-contact - Android Nougat App Shortcuts

Google Drive

Google Drive gives you 3 options: Search, Scan and Upload. The Search option takes you directly to the search screen and the Upload option lets you upload photos from your default photo gallery. The Scan option lets you can the documents you want and upload them to your Drive.nougat-drive - Android Nougat App Shortcuts


There is only one shortcut for Gmail app: Compose. Selecting it will directly take you to the compose email screen, thus reducing the number of taps.nougat-email - Android Nougat App Shortcuts


You will see 2 shortcuts in the Calendar app: New reminder and New event. Pressing either will directly take you to the respective screens.nougat-calander

Voice Search

If you don’t like keeping Ok Google on always On mode, this shortcut is for you. It has 2 shortcuts: Voice search and Type search. The voice search is particularly useful.nougat-google - Android Nougat App Shortcuts

Google Keep

Keeps is one of the most useful note taking app. It has 4 shortcuts: New audio note, New photo note, New list and New note. Tapping any one of them will take you directly to their respective screens.nougat-keep - Android Nougat App Shortcuts


The Message app has 2 shortcuts. One is New conversation and the other is reserved for frequently used contact.

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