If you are still stuck with older versions of Android OS such as Jelly bean 4.0 or back, chances are that you have experienced or will experience the “installation unsuccessful error” while trying to update or install apps via Google Play. Fear not, this is a fairly common issue and can be resolved easily using some simple steps.

Here are the methods to fix “Installation Unsuccessful Error in Google Play Store”

1. Uninstall and reinstall app

  • Go to settings >> Apps >> Select “All”
  • Scroll and find your App >> Select “Uninstall”
  • Now go to Google Play and reinstall your app

2. Clear market cache

  • Go to settings>> Apps>> Select “All”
  • From List of “All” apps >> Select “Google Play” >> Clear Data
  • Now again try to download the app from Google Play

3. Uninstall Google Play Update

  • Go to Settings>>Apps>>Select “All”
  •  From List of “All” apps >> Select “Google Play” >> Scroll Down and select “Uninstall Updates”

4. Unmount  sdcard then proceed to app installation

Many people have successfully resolved this issue by unmounting their sdcards before running an update in Google Play.

  • Go to settings>> Storage >> Unmount SD Card
  • Now run the update or download app in Google Play

5. Delete .android_secure folder

For this you will need to be rooted and need a file browser like “root explorer”. Simply go to the root folder and then delete .android_secure folder. It is safe to delete this folder as Android will recreate it later.



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